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Products I've Used Up-Empties #4

By Παρασκευή, Απριλίου 21, 2017

Hello! Long time no see...
I was really busy with my job and college and wrestling traning that I was barely online the last 1 year.. So now I'm back ♥
Lately I posted a new Youtube video about the products I used up (Empties). Feel free to watch it and give me your opinion!
xoxo Foteini

Γειά σας!
Τον τελευταίο χρόνο ήμουν πολύ απασχολημένη με την δουλειά μου, την σχολή, την προπόνηση πάλης και σπανίως ήμουν online.. Αλλά τώρα επέστρεψα ♥
Τώρα τελευταία ανέβασα ένα καινούριο βίντεο στο Youtube για τα προϊόντα που έχω χρησιμοποιήσει (Empties). Θα ήθελα πολύ να το δείτε και να μου πείτε την γνώμη σας!
xoxo Φωτεινή

(Click here for the video / Κάνε κλικ εδώ για το βίντεο)

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    5 σχόλια

    1. What a wonderful video! I'm forever squeezing the last bit of goodness out of my products .. need to be better about stocking up ahead of time!

    2. I love empties videos because i can never finish anything. The only foundations I've finished were the Makeup Forever ultra hd and Lancome tient idols ultra lol.

    3. It feels weirdly satisfying to me to toss an empty bottle in my bin, I used to buy a lot of products, which I finally stoped and need to use them up! :D I still am crazy about some of my favourites that I really need to have around all the time.

    4. Very nice to have you back. Its always interesting to learn about these products.


    What did you think of that post? Let me know your thoughts :)